Laser Dentistry Events and Congresses to be expected in late 2021

2021 ids isld news Mar 16, 2021

Laser Dentistry

Events and Congresses to be expected in late 2021

Laser Dentistry Club



The Covid-19 pandemic has violently entered life globally and the consequences are enormous. Governments worldwide have taken measures to restrain the rapid virus spread as much as possible, save lives, and gain time for vaccine and hopefully medicine production.


The impact is evident in everyone’s life, but the initial shock of March 2020 has been replaced slowly but steadily with new ideas, new experiences and new targets.

Entering a new era

 Of course, Dentists have been in the front line of healthcare by serving the population dental health whilst being in the closest proximity to the patients. Taking all necessary personal protective equipment and following the fast updated guidelines dentists continued to treat patients minimizing the risks of SARS-CoV-2 spread.

Laser Dentistry has also been in the épicentre as the clinicians in this field have an extra weapon in the battle against infectious aerosol transmission.

Obviously, this new normality has affected one other important aspect of Dentistry: scientific meetings and trade fairs. Online webinars and courses have been offered since the early days of the pandemic, and virtual meetings have become a one-way street. But with the increasing numbers in population vaccination worldwide, we hope that things will start to smoothen and colleagues can meet-up again safely later this year.

The two major events on the spot are the International Dental Show of Cologne and the 18th World Congress of the International Society for Laser Dentistry. The first one was planned for March 2021 and has now been moved to 22-25 September 2021. Thousands of exhibitors and visitors are present at this event, and new products are introduced during the event each time. You can look at our previous article here regarding Laser Dentistry and its presence in IDS 2019.



Second is the 18th World Congress of the biggest laser society worldwide, ISLD.  The original date was May 2020 and has now been transferred to 4-6 November 2021 and will be held in Cairo, Egypt.



The 3-day packed program includes the annual meeting of the World Academy for Laser Education in Dentistry (WALED) and an outstanding palette of renowned international speakers and exhibitors. It will definitely be the highlight scientific and social event of this year. Find more updates on this Congress here.


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